November 8 is International STEAM Day across the globe. STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics used both in education and the workforce. This year, Cherokee Trail Elementary is participating in a STEAM-themed Book of the Month activity. For November/December, our guest readers were members of the Due Westerners FRC (First Robotics Competition) team. These aspiring engineers videoed themselves reading The Twelve Sleighs of Christmas by Sherry Dusker Ringer. In this book, the North Pole elves have to create a new sleigh for Santa after his five-hundred-year-old sleigh falls apart. The elves scramble to design and build a worthy vehicle to transport Santa and his toys all over the world on Christmas Eve. After listening to the Due Westerner's read the story, students are designing and writing about their idea to replace Santa's sleigh. Our staff can't wait to reveal the students' designs to the public at our CTE Family Literacy Night on December 5.
International STEAM Day
November 8, 2023